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How our studio uses v0 to deliver quality, speed and performance

Reading Time

8 min read

Published on

October 2, 2024







We're going to let you in on a little secret. I think the days of building a website, completely from scratch, are numbered. I think, in fact I know, we're going to see a shift. Similar to what we've seen with frameworks taking away the need to write raw HTML, I think we're going to see the best development houses move towards a system where they can build websites using components and scaffold the fundamental routing. It's something we've done for the past few years at Roboto Studio, and I'm going to let you into another secret... We use AI extensively. Oh, that wasn't really a secret, was it?

Give me the cliff-notes, I'm not going to read this whole thing anyway?

Okay, cool, go use Next.js, Tailwind CSS, Shadcn/ui, v0, and then you can pretty much build things like wildfire. But stay tuned for the rest of the post, because I'm going to show you how we're using all of these tools to deliver projects that are not just good, but downright extraordinary.

What is v0?

Oh did I get your attention? I'm sorry. v0 is the new tool, from the folks at Vercel. It essentially acts like a chatGPT interface for generating user interfaces. That's really underselling it though because it's a tool that can take your idea all the way through to a production ready component. I'm serious, we've built the foundations for an entire website with this tool, and spent the time we would have spent on manually implementing the components on actually building new and innovative things.

The real beauty is that it's not just limited to Next.js, Tailwind CSS, Shadcn/ui. It's able to pull in libraries, but anything it builds is accessible by default, and where possible server-side rendered if it suits. So you can actually rely on it to build things like charts, or even entire pages, and it'll be accessible and performant.

How does it fit in your workflow?

Well, we've got a few different stages that it's pretty much removed days of work from. I'm not joking.


In the old days, we'd typically sit down with the client and discuss the requirements. We'd scribble down some sketches, bounce around some ideas and then start to form a picture of what the website was going to look like. We'd then go back to the office and start to put together a plan. All in all, this process takes a good few days and involves several people.

Now, we start with the same conversation but we use v0 to bounce around ideas. We'd actually build it right there and then with them, rule out ideas that aren't going to work and refine the ones that are. This process, while still requiring a human to some extent, is a fraction of the time it used to take.


Multi-step forms? Mortgage calculators? Chat interfaces? You're shifting away from meticoulously wireframing this inside of figma, manually dragging prototype components together. No, you're using v0 to generate the structure, and then you're using the component to build out the interactive prototype. This is where the true magic of v0 happens. You can generate entire user journeys, complete with custom logic - not the same bullshit where you end up having to make 4 different artboards to show success, failure, validation and hover states. No, you can just generate it all, and the kicker - it's accessible by default, so we don't even have to think about those states.


At this point you're actually taking the prototype and pulling in real-world data. For example a recent one was involving pointing a form into a real-world Formspark API, to see if multi-step forms actually worked. They did, and more impressively still, v0 actually one-shotted it.

The fact that you can pull in a damn good range of libraries and frameworks from elsewhere is a huge boon. Hell, we might even give away which website was built with v0 by saying "Wow, matter.js is so cool, I wonder if we can make it rain objects?".

Lets talk design tokens

If you're not familiar with design tokens, they're a way of standardising design decisions across a website. Instead of having to manually set colors, font sizes, and spacing, you can use design tokens to ensure consistency. If you're already using Tailwind CSS or shadcn/ui, you're already using design tokens.

It's important because it actually takes decisions away from having to be made on a per-item basis. If you've ever asked your designer what hex code we use for the hover state and their response was "What hover state? Just a transparency on it", you've experienced the pain of not having design tokens.

We actually recommend a really nice tool from Simeon Griggs called This helps you to design accessible color palettes, and then you can just use the tokens in your code.

Pro tip: go and use the old v0 theme builder, and feed these design tokens into the generation of v0 UI to get a more custom looking interface.

What importance do these have in relation to v0?

Well, my expectation is that at some point there's going to be a shift towards storing these design tokens as a remote env token that can be pulled into your v0 prompts, your local cursor ai, and anything else that needs it. I think instead of having disparate tools, that each have their own variables or tailwind config, you'll just have one source of truth.

My guess will be at some point, v0 will get something similar to this, and we're going to really kick it up a notch with getting generative UI that looks exactly like the designers website. Hell, we may even be able to rip it straight from the website itself. Man, just writing this, is making me think we should build a scraper tool for this.

Okay, let's dispel some myths

Well, I'll keep it simple. I think you're literally missing out as a client or as an agency not utilising AI in web development.

But surely you're paying money for old rope if the AI is just going to write the code for you?

No, you're not. What you're getting is the equivalent of a forklift. It takes away menial tasks as a developer and frees up your time to focus on more complex problems. Why would you ask a builder not to use a wheelbarrow when they're transporting bricks? You've got to do it manually one brick at a time.

What do we spend our new found time on?

With the time saved by using v0, we're able to focus on more complex and innovative aspects of web development. Here's what we're doing with our newfound time:

  1. Enhancing User Experience: We dive deeper into user behavior analysis and create more intuitive, user-friendly interfaces. This includes conducting more thorough user testing and implementing advanced UX features that truly set our clients' websites apart.
  2. Performance Optimization: We dedicate more time to fine-tuning website performance. This involves advanced caching strategies, optimizing assets, and implementing cutting-edge performance techniques to ensure lightning-fast load times across all devices.
  3. Accessibility Improvements: While v0 provides a great starting point for accessibility, we use our extra time to go above and beyond, ensuring our websites are usable by everyone, regardless of their abilities or the devices they use.
  4. Custom Feature Development: We focus on building unique, custom features that give our clients a competitive edge. This could be anything from advanced search functionalities to custom e-commerce solutions.
  5. Security Enhancements: We dedicate more time to implementing robust security measures, conducting thorough penetration testing, and staying ahead of potential vulnerabilities.
  6. Content Strategy and SEO: We work more closely with our clients on their content strategy and SEO, helping them to create more effective, search-engine-friendly content that drives traffic and engagement.
  7. Client Education and Support: We spend more time educating our clients on how to make the most of their new websites, providing comprehensive training and ongoing support to ensure they can fully leverage their digital assets.

By reallocating our time from basic component creation to these high-value activities, we're able to deliver websites that not only look great but also perform exceptionally well, provide superior user experiences, and drive real business results for our clients.

The future

If you haven't guessed it already, you're going to see a night and day shift between agencies that are embracing AI and those that aren't. If you aren't already generating internal content that can be used for training data for AI, you're already behind. It's going to create a flywheel effect, and those that get on board will be able to deliver websites that are not just good, but downright extraordinary.

If you're trying to position your clients or your agency for the future we would highly advise you start looking to migrate over to Tailwind CSS, as the first step. From that point implementing shadcn/ui, and then finally looking to v0 as the next step. If you're looking to do this migration, we're more than happy to help just drop us a message, there's some strategies we've developed that can make the process easier.

Get in touch

Jet Set v0

One of many reasons to get in touch. Let's talk about how we can get your business riding the wave of AI 🌊🏄‍♂️



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